1. Trustees of, are a body corporate
under name of " The Trustees
of the Poor in Charles County, "
general powers of.
2. May use a common seal.
3. Vacancies in, how filled.
4. Oath of party elected to fill va-
5. Persons elected trustees refusing
to qualify, penalty, who ex-
empted from serving as trustees.
e. Meetings of, overseer, appoint-
ment and salary of
7. Bond of overseer
8 May be removed at pleasure of
9. Beds, bedding, furniture and stock
for use of, trustees to purchase
10. Meet quarterly to pass rules and
by-laws for government of
11. Account by trustees
12. List to be kept by overseer.
13. Account by overseer.
14. May compel inmates to work
15. Disorderly persons, commitment
of by justices of the peace to.
16. Punishment of inmates of, upon
complaint by overseer.
17. Any trustee may in writing direct
what poor shall be received into
18. Rogues, vagabonds and persons
having no visible means of
support, commitment of, by jus-
tices to.
19. Pains, penalties and forfeitures
imposed under this sub-title,
how recoverable.
20. Sheriffs, bailiffs and other officers
to aid trustees in execution of
their duties.
21. Pleadings by persons sued for acts
done in execution of this sub-
title; plaintiff to pay treble costs
in case he fails to establish his
22. Out-pensions, how granted.
23. Allowance to one person not to
exceed $30 per annum; gross
amount allowed for support of
24. Annual report of trustees
25. Levy for support of.
26. Persons selling liquor or other
things to inmates of, penalty.
27. Impounding swine or geese going
at large in; redemption of such
by owner; sale of.
28. Pleadings by persons sued for im-
pounding such
Birds and Game.
29 What unlawful to kill.
30. Possession of such prima facie evi-
dence of violation of preceding
31. Justices of the peace to have juris-
diction over persons violating
section 29, penalty; appeal al-
lowed upon person giving bail;
fines, how applied.
32. Oath of party, before justice of the
peace, as to taking young of
birds mentioned in section 29,
for private use.