any sink-box, sneak boat or vessel, or craft of any description;
engaged in violating, or which may have been used in violating
the same; and every person in whose use or possession a gun
may be found, on the waters aforesaid, of a larger size than is-
allowed and described in section 386, shall be deemed guilty of a
violation thereof, and shall be fined not less than one hundred
dollars, and shall also forfeit such unlawful gun or guns found in.
his possession.
1873, ch. 54.
396. Upon information being given, under oath, to any jus-
tice of the peace of either Cecil or Harford county, of any viola-
tion of any of the provisions of sections 380 to 402, inclusive, the
justice of the peace shall issue his warrant for the arrest of the
offender, and the seizure of all sink-boxes, sneak boats, vessels or
other crafts used or employed in such violation, together with all
tackle, apparel and other property on board, which warrant shall
be directed to the sheriff or any constable of the county, or to
one or more of the special police appointed under the provisions
of section 398; and any person, resisting an officer or other per-
son authorized to make arrests and seizures under said sections,
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon indictment and con-
viction thereof in the circuit court, shall pay a fine of not less
than fifty dollars and not more than one hundred dollars, or be
imprisoned in the county jail for not less than one month nor
more than sixty days, or both fined and imprisoned within the
limits herein prescribed, in the discretion of the court
397. All vessels, sink-boats, sink-boxes, sneak-boats and other
craft, and all guns and decoy ducks seized and condemned under
the provisions of said sections, shall be sold to the highest bid-
der for cash, by the constable or sheriff of the county in which
such condemnation may be made, at public sale, after giving
twenty days' notice of the time and place of such sale, by ad-
vertisement in one newspaper in the county where such con-
demnation may be made, and by written or printed notices posted
up at four of the most public places within two miles of the place
of such sale; and the proceeds of such sale, after deducting all the
legal expenses of seizure, condemnation and sale, shall be divided