ART. 8.] WILD FOWL. 897
November in each and every year, and continue until the thirty-
first day of March next succeeding, in each and every year here-
after ; and it shall not be lawful for any person to kill or shoot at
wild fowl northward of said line, except from ashore, and south-
ward of a line drawn east from Point Concord light house in
Harford county to Carpenter's Point on the western shore of
Cecil county, at any other time; and any person violating the
provisions of this section shall, on conviction thereof, be fined
not less than fifty dollars and not more than one hundred dollars
for each offence.
1888, ch. 216.
382. It shall be lawful to shoot teal ducks, mallards, black
ducks, bald pates, and all other ducks known as marsh ducks, in
any manner other than by swivel, gun or big gun, from one hour
before sunrise until one hour after sunset every day, from the
fifteenth day of August to the first day of October of each year,
on the waters of the Chesapeake bay, lying and being within the
bounds prescribed by section 380.
1872, ch. 54.
383. No person shall shoot or kill, or shoot at any wild fowl,
in, on or over the waters lying northward of the line described
in section 380, in the night time, with gun of any size or descrip-
tion whatever; and any person violating the provisions of this
section, upon conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine of not
less than one hundred dollars and not more than five hundred
dollars, for each and every violation thereof.
1884, ch. 506.
384. No person shall, at any time, either in the day or night
time, shoot or kill, or shoot at any wild fowl, in or over the
waters lying northward of the line described in section 380, from
any vessel, boat, float, canoe, sneak-boat, sink-boat, or any other
craft of any kind or description whatever, within one-quarter of
a mile of any shore in Cecil or Harford counties; and any person
violating this section, shall, on conviction thereof, be subject to a
penalty for each offence of not less than fifty dollars and not
more than one hundred dollars.