ART. 8.] CECILTON. 801
1883, ch. 408.
57. They shall annually designate the time and place of hold-
ing said election, and give at least two weeks' notice thereof by
notices set up at five of the most prominent places in the town;
and prior to the first Monday of May in each year, shall
appoint some person to act as judge of said election, who,
before acting as such, shall qualify in the same" manner as
judges of election for State and county officers in this State are
required to qualify before a justice of the peace, and shall open
the polls at two o'clock P. M. on the first Monday in May in each
year and close the same at six o'clock P. M.; and the five persons
voted for at said election, who shall respectively receive the
highest number of votes, shall be commissioners for the town for
the ensuing year, and until their successors are duly elected and
58. If at any election for commissioners, it shall appear by the
certificate of the judge of said election that any two or more
persons voted for as commissioners have received the same num-
ber of votes, so that there is no choice for an entire board, but a
vacancy in one or more seats, if there shall be as many as three
duly elected, the persons so elected shall assemble immediately,
and having qualified as commissioners, shall proclaim a new
election to supply the vacancies occasioned by the failure to elect,
giving at least five days' notice of said election.
59. If it shall not appear that three of the persons voted for
have been duly elected, or if the persons duly elected shall fail to
assemble and proclaim a new election for the space of five days,
the old board of commissioners, or any three of them, shall assem-
ble and proclaim a new election, giving at least five days' notice
60. The commissioners so elected may meet and adjourn from
time to time as they may think proper; and at their first meeting,
which shall be within one month after their election, they shall
choose from their own body a president, who shall preside at all
meetings of the commissioners, vote on the questions before them,