1884, ch. 13. 1888, ch. 298.
15. The president of the said trustees, at their'meeting on the
first Monday in January, eighteen hundred and ninety, shall select
and appoint from among the said trustees a committee of three
trustees of the poor and insane of Cecil county; and said committee
shall meet at the almshouse twelve times in each year,-in the first
week of each month, or oftener if necessary.
16. All accounts, claims or charges against the said trustees
shall be submitted to the said executive committee at its monthly
meeting, or to the board of trustees at its quarterly meeting, and
shall be considered by and passed upon by said committee; and
if approved by said committee or a majority thereof, or by the
board of trustees or a majority thereof, the said trustees shall
issue a warrant upon the treasurer of Cecil county for the amount
of the claim or account so approved, signed by the president and
countersigned by the secretary of said trustees, and thereupon the
treasurer of the county shall pay the same.
17. The said trustees shall annually, on or before the second
Monday in May, report to the county commissioners the probable
amount, in their judgment, necessary for the relief and support
of the poor and insane in the almshouse and asylum, together
with a statement in writing exhibiting each general item of ex-
penditure and the amount thereof, the number and names of the
inmates of the almshouse and insane asylum at the date of their
report, as also such as may have been in and left subsequent to
their previous report, and also an account showing the gross
amount received and expended and how expended within the
same period.
18. The county commissioners at their annual session for
making the county levy shall, upon the receipt of the report of
said trustees, levy the amount estimated by the trustees, if in the
judgment of said commissioners the amount so estimated be neces-
sary for the support of the almshouse and insane asylum and in-
mates; and the said trustees shall not in any one year expend or