sink-box or sneak-boat without
license; penalty; disposition to
be made of fine,
394 Clerk's fee for issuing license;
register to be kept of licenses,
persons to whom issued; name
and number of sink-box and
account to be kept of monies
received; clerk's bond liable.
395. What officers to enforce pro-
visions of sections 380-402; how;
having in possession gun larger
than described in section 386,
396 Warrant for arrest and seizure,
when to be issued, by whom;
to whom; resisting arrest, pen-
397 Sale of property seized, advertise-
ment; proceeds of sale, what
disposition to be made of.
308. Special police, their term of of-
fice, deputies, powers of special
police and their deputies, pay,
bond, possession of wild ducks
evidence of violations of law;
penalty, funds arising from
license to be divided between
Cecil and Kent.
399. Appeal from judgment of justice;
appeal bond
400. Violations of sections 380-403;
penalty; how recovered; re-
fusal to pay fine.
401. Jurisdiction over cases arising
under these sections.
402. Making fast sneak-boat, sink-box
or other vessel; when, where
and by whom unlawful; going
over said waters in sink-box,
sneak-boat or other craft, when
and by whom unlawful; pen-
alty; money arising from fine,
how disposed of ; suspension of
license not stayed by appeal.
403. Commander of State police to
have concurrent jurisdiction
with special police
404. Trapping or netting water fowl
405. Violations of section 404, pen-
alty; appeal, appeal bond.
406. Jurisdiction over cases arising
under section 404.
407. What officers are to enforce.
408. Evidence.