1684, ch. 867.
83. The president of said board of commissioners shall preside
at all meetings of the commissioners, unless prevented by sickness
or reasonable cause, in which event they may select a president
pro tempore; he shall sign all by-laws and ordinances of said
board of commissioners, and shall countersign all orders and
drafts drawn by the clerk, under the direction of the said commis-
sioners, on the treasurer of said town.
84. The clerk shall be appointed from among the citizens of
said town qualified to vote for commissioners; he shall, before
entering upon his duties, make oath before them, or any one of
them, that he will well and faithfully perform the duties of his
office as now prescribed or as may hereafter be prescribed by law
or ordinance, to the best of his skill and judgment; he shall sign
all drafts or orders for money appropriated or ordered by them to
be paid by the treasurer, and shall keep a record of the proceed-
ings of said commissioners in a book to be provided by them for
that purpose, which shall at all times be open to the inspection
of any person interested.
85. The bailiff shall be appointed from among the inhabitants
of said town qualified to vote for commissioners; provided, how-
ever, that the said commissioners may appoint the constable of
the election district in which said town is located, if he be a
resident of said town, or will reside therein after his appointment;
before entering upon the duties of his office he shall make oath
before a justice of the peace for Caroline county that he will
faithfully and impartially perform the duties imposed upon him
by the act of incorporation and the by-laws and ordinances of said
commissioners; and shall execute to the State of Maryland a
bond, with two good and sufficient securities, to be approved by
the said commissioners, in such penalty as they shall prescribe,
conditioned that he shall well and faithfully perform the duties
of said office in all things appertaining thereto according to law
and the ordinances of said commissioners, and shall well and truly
collect and pay over to the treasurer of said corporation all taxes
levied by them, and all other sums of money that may be
received by him for the use of said corporation.