99. What persons allowed to catch,
for sale, in waters of St. Leon-
ard's Island and Battle creeks
100. Violating preceding section, per-
sons guilty of, to be arrested,
and boats and tackle seized
101 Proceedings after arrest of per-
sons guilty of violating section
102 When unlawful to catch, in
waters of Patuxent less than
sixteen feet in depth, proviso.
103. Persons violating preceding sec-
tion to be arrested and boats
and tackle seized
104. Proceedings before justice, of per-
sons so arrested
105. Appeal allowed from judgment
of justice under provisions of
preceding section; bond to stay
execution or sale.
106. What allowed.
107. Provisions concerning the record-
ing of papers since March 3,
1882, the original records of
which were destroyed by fire.
108. Judges of circuit court authorized
to hear and determine all mat-
ters concerning contents of lost
records and dockets, and to re-
store upon the records such as
they see fit, effect of such when
109. Restoration of judgments
110. Election of road commissioner in
each election district; who to
constitute board of road com-
111. Meeting, qualification and elec-
tion of president of such board;
road supervisors, appointment
112. When road commissioner and
road supervisor of each district
to inspect public roads
113. Duties of road supervisors.
114. When work on public roads to-
begin and cease.
115. Power of supervisor to hire ani-
mals and implements necessary
for the performance of his
duties, monthly reports of such
hiring to board of road commis-
116. Meetings of road commissioners;,
duties of
117. County commissioners to levy for
repair of roads, levy not to ex-
ceed $4,000, notice to county
commissioners, what accounts
to be kept.
118. Road commissioners to inquire
into condition of, and to visit
roads in their districts.
119 Per diem to road commissioners.
120. Drains to carry off water from.
121 Filling up such drains or obstruct-
ing roads, penalty
122. Gates, unlawful to erect upon,
where there is not now one,
123 Gates, unlawful to erect or keep-
on; penalty
124. Supervisor's duty to remove gates
erected in violation of two pre-
ceding sections, penalty.
125. Amount allowed for board of
prisoners, and for conveying
prisoners to places of confine-
ment beyond county.
State's Attorney.
126. Statement by, to judges of circuit
court, when to be made.