1. Trustees, appointment of.
2. Vacancy in, how filled
3 Compensation of
4. Oath of.
5. Are a body politic
6. Seal.
7. What trustees may purchase.
8. Levy for support of
9 Meetings of, overseer, appoint-
ment of
10. Salary and bond of overseer.
11. Removal of overseer.
12 Meetings of trustees for passage of
rules and by-la vis regulating
13 List and accounts, what to be
kept by overseer.
14 Overseer may compel inmates of,
to work
15 Justice of the peace, commitment
16. Punishment for offences com-
mitted by inmates.
17. Trustee to direct what poor to be
received in
18. Persons without visible means of
support commitment of.
19. Selling to or buying anything
from inmates of; penalty.
20. Sheriffs, constables, &c , to aid
trustees of, in execution of their
duty; persons sued for obeying
provisions of this sub-title,
pleadings by, plaintiff failing
to get verdict in his favor, to
pay costs
21. Clerk to trustees, salary of.
Baltimore and Dram Point Rail-
road Company.
22. County commissioners of Calvert
county authorized to subscribe
to stock of, not to exceed $100,-
23 County bonds to be issued to meet
such subscription.
24. Such bonds exempted from county
and municipal taxation.
25 Levy for interest on and to create
sinking fund for redemption of
such bonds
26. Bonds so issued to be received by
company at par; time when
bonds are to be delivered.
27 Stock of, received for such sub-
scription, county commissioners
may sell or pledge for payment
of bonds and interest thereon.
28 Dividends upon such stock, to
whom to be paid
29 County commissioners to vote
such stock.
30. Tax to be levied for payment of
principal and interest of said
bonds not to exceed what, in
any one year.
31. Deposit by taxpayer of what
amount of such bonds to free
his real estate from such tax,
receipt by county commis-
Birds and Game.
32. Mocking birds, unlawful to kill,
trap or sell.