month nor more than six months, or to both fine and imprison-
ment, at the discretion of the court, and to forfeiture of license,
one-half the fine to be paid to the informer and the other half to
the State.
P. L. L., (1860,) art. 4, sec. 928.
915. The mayor and city council of Baltimore may, from time
to time, contract for, purchase, lease and hold, in fee simple, or
for a term of years, any land, real estate, spring, brook, water and
water-course, and also the right to use and occupy, forever or for
a term of years, any land, real estate, spring, brook, water or
water-course which they may conceive expedient and necessary
for the purpose of conveying water into the said city for the use
of the said city and for the health and convenience of the inhabi-
tants thereof, and also the right to enter and pass through, from
time to time, as occasion may require, and to use and occupy the
said lands through which they may deem it necessary to convey
the said water; and they are hereby invested with all the rights
and powers necessary for the introduction of water into said city,
and to enact and pass all ordinances, from time to time, which,
shall be deemed necessary and proper to exercise the powers and
effect the objects above specified.
Mayor, &c. v. Appold, 42 Md. 442.
1882, ch. 225.
916. They are authorized and empowered to contract with in-
dividuals, firms or corporations for the use of the water of said
city on such terms and for such time as they may deem proper
and expedient.
P. L. L., (1860,) art. 4, sec. 929.
917. The mayor and city council of Baltimore, or any agent
authorized by them, may agree with the owner of any land, real
estate, spring, brook, water or water-course as aforesaid, earth,
timber, stone or other materials which the said mayor and city
council may conceive expedient or necessary to purchase and
hold, for the purpose of introducing water into the said city.