the name and age of the child at the time of admission, the name
of the person or justice by whom or the court by which com-
mitted, and the name of the nearest relatives when known to the
corporation or its officer charged with the admission of inmates.
1884, ch. 293.
909. Any justice of the peace or the trustees of the poor of
said city may commit to the Saint Vincent's orphan asylum of
the city of Baltimore, foundlings and all children who may be
destitute or suffering for want of support, either as orphan chil-
dren or because of the extreme indigence or vagrancy, or bad
habits or neglect of parents, or who may be found begging about
the streets of said city, or who may be the children of beggars;
provided, however, that such children shall be under the age of
six years when so committed, and that the commitment shall be
in writing, signed by the person making the same.
910. All the children who shall be committed as aforesaid
shall remain subject to the power and control of the officers and
directors of said asylum, and may be bound or apprenticed or
otherwise disposed of by said officers and directors, as fully and
in the same manner as is provided for the foundlings and infant
orphan children in said asylum, by the act of the general assem-
bly of eighteen hundred and sixty-two, chapter ninety-three, enti-
tled "An act to authorize the Saint Vincent's Infant Asylum of
the city of Baltimore to bind out and control the destitute chil-
dren under their care."
1864, ch. 296
911. The judges of the orphans' court of Baltimore city, the
judge of the criminal court, any justice of the peace, the trustees
of the poor and the ward managers of the poor, and any police
officer or constable of said city, are authorized and empowered to
deal with and commit to the president and board of managers of
the children's aid society of Baltimore, any minor, whether male