years shall restrain such child from habitually begging, whether
actually begging or under the pretence of peddling. Any person
offending under this section shall be considered and deemed as
incapable of taking care of and providing for such child, and
such child shall, by reason thereof, be deemed as coming within,
the conditions of the next succeeding section.
1878, ch. 473.
896. Any girl apparently under the age of sixteen years and
any boy apparently under the age of fourteen years that comes
within any of the following descriptions named: that is known
to be habitually begging or receiving alms, whether actually
begging or under the pretence of peddling or offering for sale
anything, or being in any street, road or public place for the pur-
pose of so begging, gathering or receiving alms; that is found
wandering and not having any home or settled place of abode or
proper guardianship or visible means of subsistence; that is found
destitute, either being an orphan or having a vicious parent who
is undergoing penal servitude or imprisonment; that frequents
the company of reputed theives or prostitutes, or houses of assig-
nation or prostitution, or dance houses, concert saloons, varieties,
or places specified in section 894 hereof, without parent or guar-
dian, shall be arrested and brought before a court or justice of
the peace. When, upon examination before a court or justice
of the peace it shall appear that any such child has been engaged
in any of the aforesaid acts, or comes within any of the aforesaid
descriptions, such court or justice when he shall deem it expedient
for the welfare of the child, shall commit such child to an orphan
asylum, charitable or other institute, or make such other disposition
thereof as now is or may hereafter be provided by law in case of
vagrants, truant, disorderly, pauper or destitute children; provided,
however, that none of the provisions of this sub-title of this article
shall be construed so as to prevent children from selling or offer-
ing for sale newspapers.
897. Any person representing himself or herself to be, or pass-
ing himself or herself off as the parent or guardian of a child or
children referred to in any of the aforesaid sections of this sub-
title of this article, when it shall appear that such person is not