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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 553   View pdf image (33K)
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ART. 4.] TAXES, 553

account of said purchase the amount assessed or taxed on the lot
so sold, together with all costs and charges, and no more, and the
residue of the purchase money shall remain on a credit of one
year and a day.

P. L. L., (1860,) art. 4, sec. 876.

834. If the property so sold shall not be redeemed at the ex-
piration of a year and a day from the day of sale, the collector
shall, when required, and on payment of the full amount of the
purchase money, execute a deed for the same to the purchaser,
and the balance of the purchase money so received by him shall
be paid to the city register.

Ibid. sec. 877.

835. If it shall appear that the owner of the said lot or parcel
of ground, prior to the execution of the deed for the same by the
collector, cannot, after reasonable effort, be found, or shall refuse
to receive said balance of money, then in either case the city
register shall invest the same in any public debt of the State of
Maryland or city of Baltimore, and shall safely keep the same,
and from time to time collect the interest due thereon, and invest
the interest from time to time in the said stock.

Ibid. sec. 878.

836. When any lot or parcel of ground in the said city shall
be sold by reason of the non-payment of the tax or assessment
due thereon, the owner or other persons having an estate or
interest therein shall have power to redeem the same at any
time within one year and a day from the day of sale, on paying
or tendering in payment to the collector the whole amount of
money received by such collector from the sale of the lot or
parcel of ground required to be released, and a further sum of
one-half per cent, per month interest from the time of sale to the
time of such tender; and the sums so paid shall be by the col-
lector delivered or tendered to the purchaser, whose right in the
property so purchased shall thenceforth cease and determine.

1874, ch. 488.

837. In all cases where lands held in fee simple or by lease
have been sold, or shall be sold for payment of taxes in arrears,


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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 553   View pdf image (33K)
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