ART. 4.] SEWERS. 539
1808, ch. 181.
795. The amount of benefits assessed on any property for
constructing, opening, enlarging or straightening any sewer in
any street, lane or alley, or through any private property, con-
structed, opened, enlarged or straightened by virtue of any
ordinance passed by the mayor and city council of Baltimore,
shall be a lien on the property and recoverable as city taxes are.
796. Before the mayor and city council of Baltimore shall
pass any ordinance under sections 792 and 794, notice shall be
given of an application for the passage of such an ordinance in at
least two of the daily newspapers of said city, twice a week for
sixty days.
797. Before any commissioners appointed by any ordinance
of said corporation under the preceding sections hereof shall
proceed to the performance of their duty, they shall give daily
notice, in at least two newspapers in the city of Baltimore, of the
object of the ordinance under which they propose to act, at least
thirty days before the time of the first meeting to execute the
798. Should the commissioners appointed by the mayor and
city council of Baltimore assess any part of the expense and
damage incurred in the construction, opening, enlarging or
straightening any sewer in the city, upon the mayor and city
council, the said mayor and city council may levy a tax on the
assessable property of the city for the amount of such assessment,
or they may raise the necessary amount by a loan, for the pay-
ment of which they may create a sinking fund to meet the
liabilities incurred; and may also levy on the assessable property
of the city of Baltimore from time to time such sums as may be
necessary to provide therefor, and for the principal and interest
of the liabilities incurred, and may pass all ordinances necessary
to carry out the provisions of the same.
1882, ch. 406. 1888, ch. 131.
799. The mayor and city council of Baltimore are authorized
to issue the stock of the city of Baltimore for the amount of five