ART. 4.] POLICE. 627
exceed six months, and for the third offence shall be subject to
dismissal, upon proof given that the said officer of police, police-
man or detective is living an improper or immoral life. Said
board shall have power to suspend said payment to such clerk or
turnkey if in their judgment, after trial, said clerk or turnkey is
living an improper or immoral life; such suspension to continue
as long as such a life, in the opinion of the said board, is pursued
by said clerk or turnkey; provided, however, that the provisions
of this section shall not apply to any clerk appointed by said
board of police commissioners who has not, immediately prior to
his appointment, served in some capacity whereby he has been
required to perform police duty.
1882, ch. 156.
757. The mayor and city council of Baltimore shall keep and
maintain, at their own proper cost and expense, the line of tele-
graph from the house of correction, in Anne Arundel county, to
the police headquarters in Baltimore city, transferred to them by
the board of public works, and are invested with all the rights
and privileges granted to telegraph companies under the general
incorporation laws of the State in the working and maintenance
of this line.
1864, ch. 38
758. It shall be the duty of all police officers in Baltimore
city to arrest and take before some one of the station-house jus-
tices in Baltimore city, all persons whom they shall find in any
passenger railway car, or in or about any railway depot in Balti-
more city, or in any place of public amusement, or in any street
of the city, who they shall know or have good reason to believe
are common thieves or pickpockets, and said justices shall com-
mit or bail such persons for trial before the criminal court; and
if any person in Baltimore city shall be charged on oath before
any station house justice of the peace in Baltimore city, or before
the judge of the criminal court, with being a common thief or pick-
pocket, such justice or judge shall issue a warrant for the arrest
of such person, and commit or bail him for trial; and any person