ART. 4.] POLICE. 525
1888, ch. 150.
751. The duties of the said physicians shall be to examine
thoroughly all applicants for position in the police force of Balti-
more city, and to test their entire fitness in every respect for
such position; to visit all policemen, turnkeys, detectives, officers,
of police and clerks of said force, who may be returned as sick,
and to report their condition to the said board; to visit and pro-
fessionally attend any and all of the said persons who may be
injured or disabled in the performance of their duties as members
of the said force; to thoroughly examine and report to the said
board the physical condition of each and every member of said
force who may, upon his own application, or who the said board
may think should be retired from the said force and be pensioned
under this sub-title of this article, and to perform all such
other and further professional duties in connection with the said
department and force as the said hoard may from time to time
deem necessary and prescribe for them.
752. The annual salary of each of the said physicians shall
be the sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars, payable in
equal monthly instalments, but the tenure of office of the said,
physicians, and of each of them, shall be determinable within
the appointed year, by a majority of the said board, and in their
exclusive discretion; and the said physicians, and each of them,
shall be compensated only up to the time of such determination
at the rate of the annual salary aforesaid.
1872, ch. 55.
753. For the purpose of preserving order and protecting
property, the police commissioners of the city of Baltimore are
authorized, upon the request of the president of the Maryland
jockey club, to detail such force as they may deem sufficient for
the preservation of order during any exhibition of the said club,
which detailed force shall have the power that the police of the
city have as conservators of the peace.