ART. 4.] POLICE. 523
dollars in the discretion of the police justice of the peace before
whom such person may be taken, and the confiscation of the
weapon so found, which said fine shall be collected as other fines
are now collected; provided, however, that the provisions of this
section shall not apply to those persons who, as conservators of
the peace are entitled or required to carry a pistol or other
weapon as a part of their official equipment.
1883, ch. 34. 1888, ch. 303.
743. Said board of police commissioners are authorized, em-
powered and directed to grant leave of absence, with pay, for a
period of ten days in each consecutive year of service, to each, of
the officers of police, policemen and detectives of the regular
force employed by said board; nor shall any enforced absence
with leave, on account of sickness or death, be deducted from
the pay of said officer of police, policeman or detective, or from
the ten days' leave herein provided.
1884, ch. 225.
744. They shall have power, in their discretion, to appoint for
each station house in said city, a suitable woman as matron, and
when so appointed shall supply her with a furnished office room
in said station house.
745. The said matrons shall be appointed to serve for four
years, respectively, subject to removal for cause, after a hearing
by the board, which is invested with exclusive jurisdiction in the
746. The duties of each matron shall be to give such care and
advice, and to perform such other police duties as may be re-
quisite and proper to the female prisoners and refugees in the
station house for which said matron shall have been appointed.