287. Count of ballots after close of
288. What ballots to be rejected.
289. Certificate by judges, what to
290. Return judges, duties of, presid-
ing officer of convention, duties
291. Contests, how decided.
292. Return judges to appear before
grand jury for examination as
to violations of election laws,
certificates of
293. Compensation of judges.
294. Fraud by voters, penalty.
295. Fraud by judges or clerks, pen-
296. Publication, effect of failure to
make such as required by this
297. Mayor and city council not to
incur any expense for such elec-
298. Broadway and Locust Point
steam ferry company, powers
299. Said company may use Haubert
street wharf exclusively.
300. Other steam ferry boats using
such wharf, penalty.
301. Gates and ticket-houses may be
erected, where.
302. Number of boats to be kept;
trips of
303. Rates for passengers and freight.
304. What to pass free.
Fines and Forfeitures
305. To whom to be paid; additional
compensation to State's at-
torney to be paid out of, when
306. Fines, what to be divided among
incorporated dispensaries
307. What necessary for dispensaries
to do, in order to be entitled to.
308. Such fines, when not claimed, to
whom given.
309. Bond of sheriff responsible for
payment of such fines to proper
310. Persons unable to pay fines, when
to be discharged from imprison-
311. Proceedings against persons vio-
lating acts of assembly or ordi-
nances of city when fine im-
posed therefor; penalty, indict-
ment, form of.
Fire Department.
312. Mayor and city council to regu-
late and establish fire wards and
313. Wilful destruction of engine or
apparatus deemed felony, pen-
314. Persons assaulting firemen in dis-
charge of their duty; penalty.
315. Disabled firemen and police, ap-
propriation for relief of.
Fire Inspector.
316. Appointment of.
317. To attend all fires and protect
property at; persons hindering
him, penalty.
318. When to investigate causes of
fires, proceedings and powers
319. To aid in enforcing fire ordi-
nances of city, duties in regard
320. Persons saving property at fires,
duties of; penalty; false swear-
ing in investigations; penalty.
321. Property in hands of fire inspec-
tor, who entitled to
322. Deputies to, appointment and
powers of.
323 Authority of fire commissioners
not to be disregarded by.