the said Richmond and Danville railroad company, and the lines
of road operated, controlled or leased by the said Richmond
and Danville railroad company, to the extent of said two millions
of dollars; provided, said loan or purchase shall be made for the
sole purpose and on the express condition of securing and main-
taining a more perfect connection by railroad from Baltimore city
to and with the various points in the Southern States, now
reached or that may hereafter be reached by the said Richmond
and Danville railroad, or by the lines of railroad owned and oper-
ated, leased or controlled by said Richmond and Danville railroad
company; provided further, that no such loan shall be made until
an ordinance of the mayor and city council of Baltimore, authoriz-
ing and directing the same, and the terms, conditions and mode and
manner of loaning the same shall have been submitted to the
legal and qualified voters of the city of Baltimore, at such time
and place as may be fixed by said ordinance, and be approved by a
majority of the votes cast at such election, at such time and place
provided, that before said ordinance shall be passed by the said
mayor and city council of Baltimore, it shall receive the approval
and endorsement of the board of trade of the city of Baltimore,
of the corn and flour exchange of said city, and of the merchants'
and manufacturers' association of said city, expressed by a major-
ity vote of the members of said associations, respectively, and
duly certified to said mayor and city council.
At end of article, add as follows:
P L L., (1860,) art. 10, sec. 230.
321. Every witness summoned to attend any court in Dor-
chester county shall receive each day he shall atttend as such,
the sum of sixty-two cents, and in addition thereto an allowance
of three cents a mile for every mile his place of residence shall
be distant from the place of holding the court; and he shall be
entitled to receive such mileage for each day he may attend court
Ibid. sec. 231
322. The sheriff of Dorchester county shall return to the
clerk of the circuit court, or county commissioners, or register of