1874, ch. 164.
282. All guns, nets, fire-lights or boats, with the tackle and
furniture on board, condemned under the provisions of this sub-
title of this article, shall be sold by the sheriff, or some constable
of said county, at public sale, after twenty days' notice of the
time and place of such sale, by advertisement, posted in at least
two public places in the vicinity of said sale, to the highest
bidder for cash ; and the proceeds of said sale shall be applied to
the payment of the fine imposed and costs, including a fee of
ten dollars to the officer arresting the offender, or seizing the
said gun, net, fire-light or boat.
283. Any party, against whom any justice of the peace may
render a judgment under this sub-title of this article, either to
pay a fine or that the property shall be condemned, may at any
time within ten days from the rendition of such judgment appeal
from such judgment to the circuit court for said county; but no
execution or sale shall be stayed, unless the party appealing shall
give bond with security to the State of Maryland, in double the
value of the property condemned, or of the fine imposed, as the
case may be, with condition to prosecute such appeal with effect,
and to pay the value of the property condemned and fine im-
posed, and all costs attending such proceedings in case such judg-
ment shall be affirmed; such security must be a resident of said
county, and worth double the amount of the property condemned.
284. The several justices of the peace and clerk of the circuit
court for said county shall pay to the county commissioners,
every three months, all the money they may have in hand at
such time, arising from fines, penalties or forfeitures imposed
under this sub-title of this article.
285. When two or more persons are or have been engaged in
violating any of the provisions of this sub-title of this article,
either of the parties so engaged may inform against the other,
and the person so informing shall be exempt from prosecution
under the preceding sections of this sub-title of this article, and,