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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 2109   View pdf image (33K)
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135. Application for license by hotel-
136. License, fees, how applied.
137. Selling liquor to minors; drinking
on premises where sold.
138. Violations of section 137; pen-
139 Apothecaries or druggists.
140. Selling without license; penalty.
141. To what the provisions of this
sub-title do not apply.
142. Seller's liability to parent, child,
husband or wife of vendee.
143. Sabbath day, election day.
144. Prosecution; pleading.
145. Money arising from fines, how ap-

146. Dividing creek, obstructions in.
147. Penalty for obstructing, money
arising from fines, how applied
148. Unloading ballast in navigable
149. Unloading ballast or otherwise
obstructing navigable waters,
150. Liability of owners of vessels.
151. Duty of justices of the peace.
152. Justices to receive and account
for fines and costs.
153. Informer, when entitled to one-
half of fine.
154. Obstructing Pocomoke river.

Ocean City.

155. Inhabitants a body corporate; cor-
porate name, powers and seal,
limits of the town.
156. Commissioners; election; who eli-
gible; electors.
157. Commissioners; failure to qualify;
vacancy, how filled; tie vote.
158. Elections, how conducted.

159. Commissioners; oath, certificate
of oath.
160. Meetings, majority vote, presi-
161 Clerk; duties; record of proceed-
ings, tax list.
162. Commissioners; powers.
163. Dogs.
164. Work on streets.
165. Taxes.
166. Assessment.
167 Treasurer.
168. Bailiff.
169. Ordinances necessary to give effect
to powers vested in commis-
170. Ordinances; publication.

Oysters and Fish.

171 Catching oysters in Synepuxent
bay, license

172. Planting oysters in Synepuxent.

173. Synepuxent bay, trespassing upon
planted beds, penalty.
174. Synepuxent bay, oysters only to>
be caught with hand power ap-
pliances, penalty

175. Synepuxent bay, planting oys-
ters, size of claim allowed to be
staked off, how to be marked
out; trespassing, penalty.
176. Trespassing a felony; penalty.
177. Owner of oysters not necessarily
the person that staked off the

178. Evidence of violations; burden of

179. Synepuxent bay; who may catch,
clams, terrapins or fish; penalty.
180. Synepuxent bay, fishing with,
seine, size of mesh.
181. Violations of section 180, penalty.
182. Proceeds of fines and forfeitures,
how applied.


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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 2109   View pdf image (33K)
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