the peace before whom the suit was brought, such justice, upon
being satisfied that the place of residence of the defendant is in a
different district, shall transmit all the papers in the case to a jus-
tice of the peace in the district in which the defendant lives, and
notify the plaintiff to what justice of the peace and constable the
papers have been transmitted; provided, that there is a justice of
the peace in said district acting and competent to try the case;
and provided also, that if the defendant, upon being sued, does
not before trial notify the justice of his residence in another dis-
trict, he shall be considered as having waived his right to have
the papers transmitted to his own district; and provided further,
that districts numbers three, seventeen, twenty-one and twenty-
two, comprising Hagerstown and vicinity, shall be regarded as
one district for the purpose of this section.
P L. L., (1860,) art. 21, sec. 207.
268. All judgments rendered by a justice of the peace in said
county shall be a lien on all lands and real estate of the defend-
ant in such judgment, lying within said county, from the time
when a short copy of such judgment shall have been tiled and
recorded in the office of the clerk of the circuit court for said
county; and the clerk of the circuit court shall keep a separate
record book for such copies, with an index thereto, stating doubly
the names of the plaintiff and defendant, and shall be entitled to
the sum of twenty-five cents for filing, recording and indexing
every such copy.
Ibid. sec. 208.
269. The clerk shall, on the application of the plaintiff in any
such judgment, issue execution thereon, directed to the sheriff,
and returnable before the circuit court for the said county.
1884, ch. 510.
270. The several justices of the peace of Washington, Talbot,
Dorchester, Montgomery, Prince George's, St. Mary's, Somerset,
Howard, Caroline, Kent, Charles, Calvert, Harford, Garrett,
Wicomico, Anne Arundel and Allegany counties, shall have, in ad-
dition to the jurisdiction which they now possess, and which may
be conferred upon them by or under the laws of this State, juris-
diction concurrent with that exercised by the circuit courts for
said counties in all cases of assault without any felonious intent;