ART. 22.] HANCOCK. 1989
1878, ch. 241.
234. If any tenant or person having the care of any house,
lot or part of a lot, shall refuse or neglect to level, pave or mend
the footway or street in front of the same, according to the
directions of the corporation, the said burgess and commissioners
may contract to have the same done; and may levy the same
with the costs, by way of distress, on such property.
235. The said burgess and commissioners shall, from time to
time, make such by-laws and ordinances as they may deem
expedient for the comfort, health and convenience of -said town,
the prevention and abatement of nuisances, preservation of order
and suppression of vice and immorality.
1886, ch. 406.
236. They may levy a tax on the property within the town,
to such amount as may from time to time be deemed necessary,
not to exceed, however, in any one year, ten cents on each one
hundred dollars worth of property, and may appoint a collector
to collect the same, and prescribe his term of office, responsibility
and compensation; and the said collector shall have the same
power to distrain for the taxes so levied as the collector of county
taxes, and shall collect and pay the same to the burgess and
commissioners; and the said burgess and commissioners shall not
make contracts or enter into any obligations which will require
an expenditure of money in excess of the levy for the year.
1878, ch. 241.
237. The burgess shall be treasurer of the corporation, and
shall give bond to the corporation, with security, to be approved
by the commissioners, in such penalty as they shall prescribe,
conditioned for the faithful performance of his duty as treasurer,
and he shall receive and pay away money according to the
ordinances of the corporation.
238. The said corporation shall not at any time issue any
note, certificate or other device to be circulated as currency.