ART. 22.] HAGERSTOWN. 1983
1880, ch 457.
210. They shall also approve the schedule of all water rates,
water rents or water charges to be made by the said water com-
pany for the use of water, and also approve the salaries, if any,
of all the officers of the joint stock water company; and the
schedule of rents or charges so adopted and salaries so approved,
shall not be changed by the said company without the consent
and approval of the mayor and council of Hagerstown.
211. They shall also bind said company to receive and admit
into the board of directors or managers of said company, two
directors or managers to be appointed, annually, by the mayor
and council as their representatives, and to have the same power
and duties as the directors or managers elected or chosen under
and by virtue of the charter or by-laws of said joint stock water
company; provided, however, that neither the mayor nor any
member of the council shall be eligible as director or manager on
the part of the town.
212. Whenever the said joint stock water company shall have
been formed, and entered into the contracts with the mayor and
council of Hagerstown, according to the provisions of sections
206 to 217, inclusive, and shall have erected water works and
supplied the corporation of Hagerstown and the inhabitants
thereof with water, and shall so increase their receipts and income
as to be able to pay their working expenses, repairs, improve-
ments, and such additional water pipes and plugs as may have
been ordered by the mayor and council, as hereinbefore provided
for, and at the same time credit the mayor and council with a
sum sufficient to reduce the amount of interest to be paid
annually to the company, by the mayor and council, to the sum
of one thousand dollars, then the mayor and council shall release
the said joint stock water company from crediting them, the
eaid mayor and council, with any greater sum.
213. Said mayor and council in making their contract with
said joint stock water company, shall further provide, that when-
ever the revenues of said company, including the annual payment