ART. 22.] HAGERSTOWN. 1965
such other duties as are imposed upon him by law, ordinance or
order of the mayor and council; he shall give bond to the mayor
and council, to be approved by them, in the penalty of three
thousand dollars, for the faithful discharge of his duties; he shall
be allowed a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars a year, as
compensation for his services, and shall not receive any other fee
or compensation whatever.
1886, ch. 409.
166. The tax collector shall collect all taxes assessed and
levied by the mayor and council for general and special pur-
poses, as authorized by this sub-title of this article; he shall keep>
an account of all moneys collected and received by him, and shall
credit the same on his books to the particular head or item of
expenses for which the same have been levied, collected or
received; he stall receive all moneys which may be collected by
the clerk under any ordinance passed in pursuance of the power
conferred by section 171 of this sub-title of this article, and all
moneys which shall be paid over to him by the clerk and collector
as aforesaid, under any ordinances passed under the power con-
ferred by section 171 of this sub-title of this article; he shall dis-
tribute and apportion pro rata to the several particular heads or
items of expenses, as required to be designated in the levy for
general purposes, as provided by section 195; he shall pay out
the several sums of money which may be collected or received
upon warrants as hereinafter directed ; and in no case shall the
collector pay out the money collected and credited for one pur-
pose to or for any other; he shall make, under oath, quarterly
reports, viz: to the first regular meetings of the mayor and coun-
cil in July, October, January and April, next succeeding the date
of his appointment, or any other time when called upon by the
mayor and council, showing the condition of his receipts and
expenditures; and the statement submitted in January shall be
published by the mayor and council in one or more newspapers
published in the town, as they may direct; the tax collector shall
give bond to the mayor and council, to be approved by them, for
the faithful discharge of his duties, in such penalty as they may
prescribe, not less than double the amount of the taxes levied,
and shall receive such compensation for his services as the coun-
cil may deem proper; such compensation, however, to be fixed at