irregular meetings of dissolute and disorderly persons, and shall
have all the powers and discharge all the duties of a constable of
Crisfield district.
1886, ch. 506.
66. The commissioners may make such by-laws and pass such
ordinances not contrary to law, as they may deem necessary, for
the regulation and proper good government of said town and the
inhabitants thereof, and for restraining all disorders and disturb-
ances, and preventing and removing all nuisances, inconveniences
and annoyances within said town ; for preventing the running of
horses, firing of guns, pistols and fire-crackers in the streets of
said town; the burning of chimneys in dry weather; the continu-
ance of unsafe chimneys, stoves or stove-pipes; for providing
against fire by preventing the building of houses of inflammable
material; for cleaning chimneys and regulating the cost thereof;
for making, repairing and regulating footways; for paving the
streets and sidewalks of said town; for making and keeping open
drains or sewers and assessing the costs of paving said streets and
sidewalks, and of said sewers, upon the adjoining property owners
in consideration of the benefits thereof to them; for laying out
and making new streets and alleys, and altering or improving
existing streets; for regulating market days; for regulating
licenses for amusements and shows, or preventing the same from,
being exhibited; and for regulating the license and sale of liquor,
if the same shall be allowed to be sold at any time in Crisfield
district; for building a jail or guard-house for the confinement
of persons charged with, or convicted of a violation of the law or
ordinances; for providing water-works for said town and making
all needful regulations therefor; for permitting or refusing to
permit the laying of water-pipes on the streets, and for laying
telegrapher telephone wires in'the streets, or placing them on
poles; and for collecting wharfage from vessels lying at any
public wharf in said town; for ascertaining the depth and course
of the channel of the harbor and river Annemessex; and if
necessary, in their judgment, for fixing buoys or water-marks for
facilitating and rendering more safe the navigation thereof; they
may cause the harbor, or such portions thereof as they may deem
necessary, to be cleansed and cleared of all obstructions and
annoyances in and upon the same, whether from vessels sunk or.