214. Unlawful for non-residents to
catch, within boundaries men-
tioned in preceding section.
215. What waters open to citizens of
Queen Anne's and Talbot conn-
ties to catch, with rakes or
216. Where unlawful to catch, with
scoop or scrape
217. Violations of sections 212 to 214;
218 Licensed boats to rake with ordi-
nary rake, penalty.
Register of Wills.
210. Fee for indexing wills, bonds,
guardians' and administrators'
accounts, inventories, accounts
of sales and releases.
220. Altering, changing, obstructing,
or encroaching upon and injur-
ing or destroying bridges, cause-
ways, boundaries, Ac ; penalty.
221 Duty of persons erecting mills on
branches or runs where road
222. Violation of preceding section;
223. Supervisors of, authorized to cut
opening in embankments along-
side of roads, to let water pass
224. Erecting gates on; penalty.
225. Running horses on, for purpose
of racing.
226 Violation of preceding section,
227. Papers and proceedings for open-
ing, &c , roads and landings, and
the purchasing of joint public
bridges, to be recorded.
228. County commissioners to employ
persons to make said record up
to December, 1887; levy for
payment for such work.
229. Record of such proceedings to
be continued from December,
230. Certified copy to be legal evi-
231 Percentage to, for collecting and
paying over officers' and attor-
neys' fees.
South East River.
232 South East creek to be hereafter
known as.
233. Citizens of, a body corporate;
corporate name; general pow-
ers of.
234. Qualification of voters in; elec-
tion of three commissioners.
235. Vacancy in commissioners, how
236. Powers of commissioners.
237. Meetings of.
238. Bailiff, appoinment, duties, bond
and powers of.
239. Taxes, collection of; limit to rate
of taxation.
240. Fines and forfeitures under ordi-
nances of corporation, how col-
lected and to whom paid.
241. Inhabitants of, a body corporate;
corporate name; general powers
242. Qualification of voters in; elec-
tion of three commissioners.
243. Vacancies in commissioners, how
244 Oath of commissioners.
245. Meetings of, quorum; clerk and
bailiff, appointment, duties,
compensation and removal of.
246 Powers of.
247. Tax upon dogs; penalty.
248. What ordinances commissioners
authorized to pass.
249. Justices of the peace resident in
town, powers of; fines under
this sub-title, how recoverable.