1880, ch. 136.
312. If, after giving the thirty days' notice as directed in the
preceding section, the said taxes shall not be paid, the collector
shall levy upon either the real or personal property of th&
delinquent and sell the same at public sale, either on the premises,
or at some public place in said town, having first given twenty
days' notice in writing or print, of the time and place of said sale,,
said notice to be posted at the court-house door and two other
public places in said town; the collector shall sell so much of
said property as may be necessary to pay the amount of taxes-
due from such delinquent, with the interest thereon, together
with the cost incurred by said collector, and shall, if it be real
estate, convey the same to the purchaser upon payment of the
purchase money, and shall pay any amount, over and above the
taxes, interest and cost for which the property may sell, to the
party for whose taxes the property shall be sold.
313. The county commissioners of Prince George's county
shall authorize and direct, from time to time, the treasurer of
said county to pay to the commissioners of the town of Upper
Marlborough, the amount of the tax levied or taxed upon the
real property within the limits of said corporation, to be appro-
priated and used by the said town commissioners for the repair
and improvement of the streets and roads within said corporate
limits, and for such other improvements in said corporation as
said commissioners shall deem proper.
314. A majority of the commissioners shall constitute a
quorum for the transaction of business, and at their first meeting,
which shall not be more than five days after their election, they
shall select one of their number president, who shall preside at
their meetings and preserve order; and in case of a vacancy in
the board of commissioners, the remaining commissioners shall
Lave power to fill said vacancy.
1880, ch. 136. 1886, ch. 141.
315. All persons who have resided, or who have been engaged!
in regular business within the aforesaid limits of the town of