P. L. L., (1860,) art. 16, sec. 6.
6. They may use a common seal, and may change the same at
their pleasure.
1884, ch. 166.
7. The county commissioners shall fill all vacancies that may
occur in the office of trustees; and it shall be the duty of the
said trustees to superintend all the purchases, contracts and
arrangements of the almshouse.
8. The said trustees shall be entitled to two dollars a day for
every day they shall attend to their said duties, not exceeding one
day in one month.
P. L. L., (1860,) art. 16, sec. 9.
9. They shall meet on the first Monday of June and on the
third Monday of April, annually, and as much oftener as they
may deem necessary, and make, by a majority of votes of such- as
may be'present, such rules and by-laws, for the government and
support of said almshouse, and the management of the inmates
thereof, as they may think proper; all meetings of said trustees
shall be held at the almshouse, except such as may be necessary
for the settlement of their accounts with the county commission-
Ibid. sec. 10.
10. They shall appoint annually, at such time as they think
proper, and may remove, at pleasure, an overseer of said alms-
house, and all such officers and servants as they may think proper.
1884, ch. 166.
11. They shall purchase sufficient beds, bedding, working
tools, kitchen utensils, cows, horses, and all other necessaries for
said almshouse, from time to time; shall keep a regular account
thereof, and under a penalty of fifty dollars each, shall render the
same, with the vouchers therefor, to the county commissioners at
their first meeting in the month of May, in each year; and the
said accounts shall be passed and settled by the said commission-
ers previous to making the appointment of trustees for the
ensuing year.