do upon the demand of the said trustees, he shall forfeit the sum
of ten dollars for each and every day of said neglect or refusal,
to be recovered by indictment in the circuit court for said county,
and the amount of said forfeiture, when recovered, shall be for
the use of said trustees.
P. L. L., (1860,) art. 15, Bee. 9.
10. The trustees shall purchase and buy for the use and em-
ployment of the poor of said county, and the vagrants, beggars,
vagabonds and offenders who may be committed to said amis-
house, sufficient beds, bedding, working tools, kitchen utensils,
cows, horses and other necessaries; and they shall keep an ac-
count of all monies expended by them and return a true copy
thereof, with the vouchers for the same, to the county commis-
sioners, yearly, to be by them inspected and examined.
Ibid. sec. 10.
11. They shall meet at the almshouse four times in the year,
in the first week in January, May, August and November, or
oftener if necessary, to make, by a majority of votes of such as
may be present, such rules and by-laws as they may think con-
venient and necessary for the direction, government and support
of the almshouse, and for the cleanliness, maintenance and em-
ployment of all poor persons therein, and of all vagrants, beg-
gars, vagabonds and offenders that may bo committed thereto.
Ibid. sec. 11.
12. The said overseer shall keep a fair and regular list of all
poor, and of all vagrants, beggars, vagabonds and offenders
committed to said almshouse.
Ibid. sec. 13.
13. He shall also keep regular accounts of all materials which
may come to his hands as overseer, and all money received
by him for the sale of the produce of the labor of the inmates of
the almshouse, or otherwise, and lay them before the trustees at
their regular meetings, or oftener if required.
Ibid sec. 13.
14. He may compel any of the said poor, beggars, vagrants,
vagabonds or offenders in the almshouse to work, if of sufficient