189. Council, powers; use of county
jail till lock-up built.
190. Assessment; what property as-
sessable, maximum assessment;
tax, maximum Tate.
191. Appeal from valuation of asses-
192. Tax list, and warrant to bailiff.
193. Bills for taxes, when to be ren-
dered; how to be served on
non-residents; payment, how
194. Deed for property sold for taxes,
by whom executed, and when;
its legal effect; redemption of
the property.
195. Bailiff to collect and pay over
within six months, moneys to
be held by clerk, subject to
order of council.
196. Bailiff, his other duties.
197. Mayor, as a justice of the peace;
his jurisdiction and fees, ap-
198. Bailiff, his fees; neglect of duty;
penalty; bond responsible for
199. Fines and penalties, bond col-
lected, commitment in default.
'300. Town debt, powers of the coun-
cil in regard to.
201. Public buildings and property
exempt from taxation, and to
continue to same uses; judges
to hold court as before, juris-
diction of county and State offi-
cers within the town, tax levied
by county upon property within
the town, two-thirds to go to
council, to improve streets.
202. Issue of certificates of indebted-
ness by council.
203. Council; powers in regard to mat-
ters of health.
204. Regulation of privies, cess-pools,
205. Scavenger, tax to pay; ordinances
in aid of; bond.
206. Council to provide for protection
of property, public and private,
from defacement.
207. Council to pay for work done,
etc., under contract with com-
missioners before charter.
208. Existing ordinances to remain in
force till repealed or amended;
books, papers and property in
possession of commissioners to
be delivered to council.
209. Account of receipts and expend-
itures to be kept by council.
210. Opening streets, lanes and alleys;
proceedings; appeal.
211. Contracts for opening or improv-
ing streets, how awarded.
212. Farts of county roads that lie
within the town.
213. School commissioners.
214. Their term of office.
215. Their power to contract debts and
expend money.
216. Offlcs, where to be located; when
to be open; penalty.
217. Board of prisoners, daily allow-
ance for.
218. Discounts for prompt payment.
219. Taxes to be used exclusively in
the payment of county levies
for the year in which they are
placed in the collector's hands;
when yearly levy shall be pay-