132. Sale of progeny for failure to pay
service money of.
433. Proceeds of sale, how distributed.
State's Attorney.
434. Compensation of, in removed
435. To aid examiners in locating
436. Required to keep records of all
surveys made by him or by pri-
vate surveyors
437. To make out index to all surveys
that are recorded.
438 Cost of recording surveys made
by private surveyors, and of
abstracts of surveys in his
439. Salary of.
Swine and Geese.
440. Impounding of, going at large in
Creagerstown, proceedings.
441. Any person may kill, going at
large in New Market.
442. Impounding and killing of, going
at large in Liberty, proceedings
for sale of
443 Pleadings by persons sued for
killing, under provisions of
three preceding sections.
444. Running at large of, in Burkitts-
ville, penalty.
445. Owner of, going at large within
limits of preceding section, to
be tried before justice of peace
for trespass; judgment of jus-
446. Impounding of, going at large in
violation of section 444, pro-
ceedings for sale of.
447 Fines imposed by preceding sec-
tion, how applied.
448. Constables residing in or near
Burkittsville to enforce pro-
visions of four preceding sec-
tions, penalty.
449. In case against constable, what-
neceasary to show in order to
prove negligence.
450. Discount for prompt payment of
451. Frederick county exempted front
operation of sections 275 and;
276 of article 27 of code of pub-
lic general laws, title "Crimes,
and Punishments," sub-title
"Vagrants and Tramps," re-
lating to
452 Fees allowed.
453. Levy for payment of.
454. Collector to pay upon order of
clerk of circuit court
Wolves and Foxes.
455. Bounty for wolves
456 Oath of persons bringing heads
of wolves before justiccs of the
peace, certificate and duty of
457. Person producing certificate enti-
tled to bounty.
458. Bounty for foxes.
459. Oath of persons bringing heads
and tails of foxes before j ustices
of the peace, certificate and
duty of justices
460 Levy for payment of certificates.
461 Citizens of are a body corporate
by name of "The Burgess and
Commissioners of Woodsboro',"
general powers of
462. Limits of
463 Qualification of voters in bur-
gess and three commissioners,
when to be elected.