96 BANKS. [ART. 11.
inspection and audit of such bank notes, and after a particular
count and statement thereof, made under order of and filed in
court, shall direct such bank notes to be burned or destroyed by
the sheriff of the county in the presence of the petitioner or his
counsel, and a report of such burning and destruction shall be
made to the court giving such order.
P. G. L., (1860,) art. 12, sec. 17. 1836, ch. 272.
9. Any bank may recover on a note made payable to such,
bank, or made payable to any of its officers.
Ibid. sec. 18. 1834, ch. 278.
10. The comptroller shall require of the president and direc-
tors of each of the banks of this State, which, by their respective
charters, are directed to furnish statements once a year or oftener
to the treasurer or comptroller, to furnish such statements within
the month of January in each year, and to transmit to the said
comptroller an abstract of the condition of each bank as they
may respectively stand on the first Monday of said month of
January, so that they shall set forth the amount of their capital
stock; bills in circulation, specifying the amount of the different
denominations of issues; net profits on hand; balances due other
banks; cash deposited, including all sums whatsoever due from
the bank, not bearing interest; cosh deposited, bearing interest;
gold, silver and other coined metals; real estate; bills of other
banks incorporated in this State; bills of other banks incorporated
elsewhere; balances due from other banks; amount of debts due
said bank on bonds or bills discounted, and the amount in stocks,
whether of said bank or any other bank whatsoever; each of
said items under distinct and separate heads; but nothing herein
contained shall diminish or impair the right of the comptroller
to make such requisitions for information from said banks at
other times, and as often as he shall deem necessary.
1864, ch. 13.
11. The several banks of this State now having authority to
issue notes, are hereby authorized and empowered to issue twenty
per cent, of their capital stock actually paid in, in notes of a less