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The Maryland Code, Public General Laws, 1888
Volume 389, Page 804   View pdf image
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taken out for the benefit of, or bona fide assigned to the wife or
children, or any relative dependent upon such person, or any
creditor, shall be vested in such wife or children, or other relative
or creditor, free and clear from all claims of the creditors of such
insured person.

P. G. L., (1860,) art. 45, sec. 9. 1840, ch. 212, sec. 2. 1868, ch. 471, sec. 101.

10. If the wife shall die before her husband the amount of
such insurance may be made payable after her death to her chil-
dren or descendants, for their use, and to their guardian, if under
age; and if there be no children or descendants of the wife living;
at the time of her death, to her legal representative.

Emerick v. Coakley, 35 Md. 188.

Ibid. sec. 10. 1853, ch. 335.

11. The receipt of any married woman for the payment of
money deposited by her before or after marriage, shall be a valid
discharge to any individual or corporation making such payment;
provided, that nothing contained in this section shall prevent any
creditors of the husband from attaching the same, or restraining
the payment by injunction, if the deposit were made in fraud of

Ibid. sec. 11. 1842, ch. 293, sec. 5. 1856, ch. 154, sec. 94. 1888, ch. 329.

12. Any married woman may convey her real or personal
property if her husband joins in the conveyance, whether the con-
veyance be absolute or by way of mortgage, and she may execute
and acknowledge any deed, mortgage or bill of sale or other in-
strument of writing in the same manner as other grantors or bar-
gainers, without any private examination or other ceremony; and
she may, at whatever ago she may be, relinquish her dower in any
real estate by the joint deed of herself and husband, or by her
separate deed.

Robinson's Lessee s Bush, 1 H. & McH. 50 Webster's Lessee v.Hall, 2 H.
& McH. 19. Flanagan's Lessee v. Young, 2 H & McH. 38 Griffith's Lessee
v. Ridgely, 2 H. & McH. 418. Lewis' Lessee v. Waters, 3 H. & McH 430.
Hoddy's Lessees. Harryman, 3 H. & McH 581. Jacobs' Lessee v. Kramer, 1
H & J. 291. Peddicourt's Lessee v. Rigges, 1 H & J 293. Hawkins' Lessee v.
Burress, 1 H. & J. 513 Heath's Lessee v. Eden, 1 H & J 751. Green v.
Muse's Lessee, 2 H. & J. 62. Hollingsworth v. McDonald, 2 H. & J. 230. Hall


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The Maryland Code, Public General Laws, 1888
Volume 389, Page 804   View pdf image
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