State Board of Health.
1. Established, members, secretary;
2. General duties of board.
3. Meetings, shall prescribe rules
and regulations; powers
4. Shall elect their secretary.
5. Duties and authority of secretary,
his salary.
6. Further enumeration of his duties.
7. Board (except secretary) to serve
without compensation
8. Cholera, small-pox or other in-
fectious disease, duty of board.
9. County commissioners shall con-
stitute local boards of health.
10. Shall appoint county health officer.
11. Meetings of local boards, shall pre-
scribe rules and regulations
12. Shall take cognizance of nuisances.
13. Duties of county health officer
14 Shall promptly investigate and re-
port upon all cases of cholera,
small-pox or other infections
Infectious Diseases — Small-pox.
15. Notice to owner of infected house
to disinfect, proceedings.
16 Disinfection or destruction of bed-
ding, clothing and other infected
17. Removal of sick with dangerous
infectious disease to hospital.
18 Wilful spreading of such disease;
19 Going about of persons sick of
such diseases, penalty.
20 Disinfection of public vehicles.
21 Renting of infected houses or
rooms without disinfection;