1876, ch. 47.
87. It shall be the duty of said commissioners to make an an-
nual report to the governor, of the work accomplished by the com-
mission, ond also embracing such suggestions for the protection
and propagation of food fishes in the waters of this State as may
be the result of their observation and experience; which report
the governor shall cause to be printed, and transmit the same to
the general assembly of the State.
1874, ch. 150.
88. The salaries of said commissioners shall be fifteen hundred
dollars per annum each; and the sum of three thousand dollars,
per annum is hereby appropriated to pay the said salaries.
1876, ch. 47.
89. The further sum of ten thousand dollars per annum, or so
much thereof as may in the opinion of the governor be necessary,
is appropriated for the purpose of enabling said commissioners to
carry out the provisions of sections 80, 81 and 87; and the comp-
troller shall issue his warrant on the treasurer for the payment of
the said sum, on requisition of the said commissioners, in such
amounts as they may require, approved by the governor, out of
any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.
1. Mileage of members and officers of
2. Stationery to members and officers
3. What officers of preceding assembly
shall be present at meeting of;
pay and mileage of.
1868, ch. 78 1874, ch. 73
1. The mileage of members and officers of the house of dele-
gates and senate of Maryland shall be fixed and established as.
follows, that is to say: The senators and delegates from Allegany
county shall each receive the sum of eighty dollars; those from
Anne Arundel county, except from Annapolis, the sum of fifteen
dollars; those from Baltimore city the sum of fifteen dollars; those
from Baltimore county, the sum of nineteen dollars; those from