1. Assignee of money claims may sue
in his own name.
2. Sci. fa. by assignee.
3. Defendant's defences against as-
4. Death of legal plaintiff before
5. Surety, upon paying the debt, may
sue in his own name.
6. When surety may have execution.
7 Payment by one of several sure-
8. Assignment by State's attorney to
surety, when authorized.
9. When assignee of bond may sue
10 Oath to be made by obligee at time
of assignment.
P. G. L., (1800,) art. 9, sec. 1. 1829, ch. 51. 1830, ch. 165, sec. 1.
1. The assignee of any judgment, bond specialty, or other
chose in action for the payment of money, or any legacy or
distributive share of the estate of a deceased person bona fide
entitled thereto by assignment in writing signed by the person
authorized to make the same, may, by virtue of such assignment,
maintain an action or issue an execution in his own name against
the debtor therein named, in the same manner as the assignor
might have done before the assignment.
McNulty v. Cooper, 3 G. & J. 214. Schnebly v. Hagan, 7 G. & J. 120. Kent
v. Somervell, 7 G. & J. 265. Lamar v. Manro, 10 G. & J. 50. Jones v. Har-
desty, 10 G. & J. 419. Gordon v. Downey, 1 Gill 41. Chesley v. Taylor, 3
Gill, 251. Crawford B. Brooke, 4 Gill, 222. Dakin v. Pomeroy, 9 Gill, 6.
N. Y. Life Ins. Co. v. Flack, 3 Md. 354. Cox v. Sprigg, 6 Md. 286. McDowell
v. Goldsmith, 6 Md 343. Watson v. Bane, 7 Md. 126. Robinson v. Marshall,
11 Md. 251. Shriner v. Lamborn, 12 Md. 174. Augusta Ins. Co. v. Abbott, 12
Md. 348 Reynolds v. Manning, 15 Md 521. National Fire Ins. Co. v. Crane,
16 Md. 260. Hooper v. Logan, 23 Md. 209. Banks v.. McClellan, 24 Md. 80.
Stine 9. Young, 26 Md. 238. Union Bank v. Tillord, 26 Md. 446. Schoferman
B. O'Brien, 28 Md. 574. Spiker v. Nydegger, 30 Md. 321. Confield v. McIl-
waine, 32 Md. 98. Emerick v. Coakley, 35 Md. 188. Balto City Pass. R. W.
Co. v. Sewell, 35 Md 254. Lucas B. Bryne, 35 Md. 492. Ahern B. White, 39
Md. 418. McAleer B Young, 40 Md. 445. Whitndge v. Barry, 42 Md. 140.
Jackson B. Myers, 43 Md. 462. Hewell v. Coulbourn, 54 Md. 64. Schaffer v.
Union Mining Co , 55 Md. 82 Crisfield B. State, 65 Md. 196. Hampson v.
Owens, 55 Md 586. Gable v. Scarlett, 56 Md. 174. Tradesmen's Nat. Bank
v. Green, 57 Md. 605. Handy v. Collins, 60 Md. 245.