works to provide in due form for the submission of the said con-
troversy to arbitration, in such manner that the same may be
finally settled and determined; but if the said corporation, or the
said person in its employment or service, so engaged in contro-
versy with the said corporation, shall refuse to submit to such
arbitration, it shall be the duty of the said board of public works
to examine into and ascertain the cause of said controversy, and
to report the same to the next general assembly.
1878, ch. 879, sec. 2.
2. All subjects of dispute arising between corporations, and
any person in their employment or service, and all subjects of
dispute between employers and employees in any trade or manu-
facture, may be settled and adjusted in the manner hereafter
Ibid. sec. 3.
3. Whenever such subjects of dispute shall arise as aforesaid,
it shall be lawful for either party to the same to demand and
have an arbitration or reference thereof in manner following,
that is to say—where the party complaining and the party com-
plained of shall coine before, or agree by any writing under their
hands, to abide by the determination of any judge or justice of
the peace, it shall and may be lawful for such judge or justice of
the peace to hear and finally determine in a summary manner
the matter in dispute between such parties; but if such parties
shall not come before, or so agree to abide by the determination
of such judge or justice of the peace, but shall agree to submit
their said cause of dispute to arbitrators, appointed under the
provisions of this article, then it shall be lawful for any such
judge or justice of the peace, and such judge or justice of the
peace is hereby required, on complaint made before him, and
proof that such agreement for arbitration had been entered into,
to appoint arbitrators for settling the matters in dispute; and
such judge or justice of the peace shall then and there propose
not less than two nor more than four persons, one-half of whom
shall be employers and the other half employees, acceptable to
the parties to the dispute, respectively, who, together with said
judge or justice of the peace, shall have full power finally to
hear and determine such dispute.