fined not more than one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not more
than six months, or both fined and imprisoned as aforesaid, at
the discretion of the court.
P. G. L., (1860,) art. 30, sec. 13. 1723, ch, 16, sec. 3.
19. Every person who shall profanely swear or curse in the
presence and hearing of any justice of the peace, sheriff, coroner,
county clerk or constable, or be convicted thereof before any
justice of the peace, by the oath of one lawful witness, or con-
fession of the party, shall, for the first oath or curse, be fined
twenty-five cents, and for every oath or curse after the first, fifty
P. G. L , (1860,) art. 30, sec. 14. 1722, ch. 8, sec. 2.
20. No person under any pretence whatsoever, shall cut down
or otherwise destroy any -boundary or bounded trees, either of
his own lands or of the lands of any other person whatsoever,
even although such boundary or bounded trees should stand
within the person's own land so cutting down and destroying the
same, under the penalty of one hundred dollars for every such
Ibid. sec. 15. 1722, ch. 8, sec. 3.
21. If any person shall, without lawful authority, either at
random or for his own pleasure, bound any tree or trees in the
woods or upon his own lands, or shall bound any tree or trees, or
set up other boundaries for his own or others' land, in lieu and
place of any original boundary or bounded tree that is any way
decayed or destroyed, without first giving notice to all persons
concerned in such boundaries, of the time and place proposed for
setting up or making such new boundaries, or that upon the
failure of the persons concerned in such lands (upon notice, or
when notice cannot be given,) being present at the time and
place appointed, shall not take with him four substantial
freeholders of his neighborhood at the least, that may be present
at the bounding such tree or trees, or setting up such other
boundary, shall forfeit and pay for each offence the sum of one
hundred dollars.