shares, which book shall, during the usual business hours of
every business day, be open for the inspection of stockholders or
creditors of the corporation at the principal office of the said
corporation in this State; and every officer or agent of any such
corporation who shall neglect or refuse to exhibit the same, shall
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and the corporation shall
forfeit and pay to the party injured, a penalty of fifty dollars for
every such neglect or refusal, and all the damages resulting there-
from to be recovered in an action of debt before a justice of the
1868, ch. 471, sec. 68.
73. It shall be the duty of every corporation formed under
this article, having a capital stock, to cause to be made, in the
first week in January and July in each and every year, a full and
particular statement of the affairs of said company, verified by
the oaths or affirmations of its president and treasurer, or chief
finance officer, which statement snail consist of a particular
account of its assets and liabilities in minute details, calculated to
the time of making up the statement as aforesaid; each of the
said statements so made up shall be recorded in a book kept in
the principal office of the said corporation in this State.
Ibid. sec. 69.
74. Any corporation formed under this article, or under
any special law, and having a capital stock, may increase
or diminish the same to any amount that may be deemed
sufficient and proper for the purposes of the corporation, by
complying with the provisions of the following sections; but
every corporation incorporated under any special law, which
shall so increase or diminish its capital stock, shall remain
subject in other particulars to all the limitations contained in
its charter, or in any supplement thereto; and every corpora-
tion incorporated under this article which shall so diminish or
increase its stock, shall remain subject in other particulars to the
provisions of this article.
Booth v. Campbell, 37 Md. 529.
Ibid. sec. 70.
75. Before any corporation shall be entitled to diminish the
amount of its capitol stock, under the provisions of the preceding