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The Maryland Code, Public General Laws, 1888
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Rule 3. P. G. L., (1860,) art. 5. sec. 6. 1849, ch. 88, sec. 1. 1854, ch. 193, sec.

20. 1865, ch. 91.

7. All appeals allowed from, decisions of questions arising;
under the insolvent law, shall be taken within thirty days from
the time of the decision made, and a transcript of the record
shall be transmitted to the clerk of the court- of appeals within
sixty days from the date of the decision appealed from; but the
execution or effect of any judgment, decree, decision or order so
appealed from, shall not be suspended or stayed, unless a bond
shall be given in such penalty and condition, and with such
security as the court may prescribe and approve.

Chase v. Glenn, 1 H. & G. 160. Williams v. Williams, 5 Gill, 84. Carter v.
Dennison, 7 Gill. 171 Baylies v. Tyson, 9 Gill, 452. Pierson v. Trail, 1 Md.
143. Glenn v. The Chesapeake Bank, 3 Md. 475. Salmon v. Pierson, 8 Md.
297. Teackle v. Crosby, 14 Md. 24. White v. Malcolm, 15 Md. 541. Sparks'
Appeal, 18 Md. 418. Willis v. Wright's Trustee, 22 Md, 373. Van Nostrand
v. Carr, 30 Md. 130.

P. G. L., (1860,) art. 5, sec. 13. 1849, ch. 88, sec. 4. 1854, ch. 193, sec. 20.

8. The court from whose judgment or order under the insol-
vent laws an appeal shall be taken, shall immediately, upon the
entry of such appeal, certify and state the questions in and
decided by such court; and no question which shall not appear
by such certificate to have been raised in said court, shall be
considered by the court of appeals.

Bradford v. Jones, 1 Md 372. Wright v. Kuhn, 20 Md. 424. Jaeger v.
Requardt, 23 Md. 231. Garey v Hignutt, 32 Aid. 552. Gable v. Scott, 56 Md.
176. McHenry v. McVeigh, 56 Md. 578.

Rule 4. P. G. L., (1860,) art. 5, sec. 12. 1825, ch. 117, sec 1. 1862, ch. 164.

9. In no case shall the court of appeals decide any point or
question which does not plainly appear by the record to have
been tried and decided by the court below; and no instruction,
actually given, shall be deemed to be defective by reason of any
assumption therein of any fact by the said court, or because of a
question of law having been thereby submitted to the jury,
unless it appear from the record that an objection thereto for
such defect, was taken at the trial; nor shall any question arise
in the court of appeals as to the insufficiency of evidence to
support any instruction actually granted, unless it appear that


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The Maryland Code, Public General Laws, 1888
Volume 389, Page 17   View pdf image
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