1. More than ten hours' work per day
of employees prohibited.
2. Special arrangements by contract
for longer work, when permitted.
3 Penalty.
1888, ch. 455.
1. No corporation or manufacturing company engaged in man-
ufacturing either cotton or woolen yams, fabrics or domestics of
any kind, incorporated under the laws of this State, and no officer,
agent or servant of such named corporation or manufacturing
company, and no person or firm, owning or operating such corpo-
ration or manufacturing company within the limits of this State,
and no agent or servant of such firm or person, shall require, per-
mit or suffer its, his or their employees in its, his or their service,
or under his, its or their control, to work for more than ten hours
during each or any day of twenty-four hours, for one full day's
work, and shall make no contract or agreement with such em-
ployees, or any of them, providing that they or he shall work for
more than ten hours for one day's work during each or any day
of twenty-four hours, and said ten hours shall constitute one full
day's work.
2. Any such named corporation or manufacturing company
within the limits of this State shall be allowed, under the provi-
sions of this section, the privilege of working male employees,
over the age of twenty-one years, over the limit of ten hours, for
the express purpose only of making repairs and improvements,
and getting fires made, steam up and the machinery ready for use
in their works, which cannot be done during the limits of the ten
hours, the extra compensation for all such work to be settled be-
tween such corporation and manufacturing companies and the
employees; provided, that nothing in this article shall be so con-