whose guardianship is revoked shall not, within a reasonable time
to be fixed by the court, deliver over to the remaining guardian,
(if there be one, if not, then to the new guardian) all the property
of the ward remaining in the hands of the party whose guardian-
ship is revoked, and also all the books, bonds, notes and evidences
of debt or funds, and also all title to property or stock which
belong to or are due to the ward, in the possession of the guardian,
and also pay over to the remaining guardian (if there be one, if
not, then to the new guardian) all the money due to said ward,
the said court may compel the delivery and payment over as afore-
said by attachment and sequestration of the property of the party
whose guardianship may be revoked, and may direct his bond to
be put in suit.
Gunther B State, 31 Md. 21. Byrd v State, 44 Md. 492 State v. Hender-
son, 54 Md 332.
P. G. L., (1860,) art. 93, sec. 190. 1833, ch. 15, sec. 1.
190. Where any infant shall be entitled to any legacy or dis-
tributive share of an estate, or any personal property in the hands
of on administrator, and a guardian for such infant has been or
may be appointed by any orphans' court of this State, whose ap-
pointment, however, has been irregularly made, and is or shall be
liable to be revoked or declared void for any cause whatever,
but shall not have been revoked or declared void, any pay-
ment or delivery to such guardian of such legacy, distributive
share, or personai property by such administrator, shall have the
same force, validity and effect as respects such administrator as if
said guardian's appointment were regularly made, and not for any
cause liable to be revoked or declared void.
Gunther v.State, 31 Md. 21.
Ibid. sec. 191. 1833, ch. 15, sec. 2.
191. Every such guardian so receiving money or other property
"belonging to his ward shall be liable to account for the same, to
be recovered by suit on his guardian's bond or otherwise, as pro-
vided by law in case of guardians duly and regularly appointed.
Ibid. sec. 192. 1798, ch. 101, sub-ch. 12, sec. 15. 1829, ch. 216, secs. 5-6.
192 On a ward's arrival at age, or on the marriage of a female
ward, the guardian shall exhibit a final account to the orphans'