1. Adoption of code not to impair
vested rights, nor discharge con-
tracts, nor affect pending suits
and prosecutions
2. Nor to preclude prosecution for
offences previously committed.
3. Nor to impair rights under charter
or grant from State
4. Administrator to include executor
5. Decedent to include testator and
6 Masculine to include all genders.
7. Singular to include plural.
8 Oath to mean also affirmation.
9. Boundaries of counties and city of
10. Public local law to prevail in case
of conflict with public general
11. County to include city of Balti-
12. Person to include corporation.
P. G. L., (1860,) art. 1, sec. 1.
1. The adoption of this code shall not affect or impair any-
right, vested or acquired and existing at the time of its adoption,
nor shall it impair, discharge or release any existing contract,
obligation, duty or liability of any kind whatsoever. All pend-
ing suits, actions and prosecutions for crimes or misdemeanors,
including all civil and criminal proceedings whatsoever, shall be
prosecuted and proceeded with to final determination, and judg-
ment entered therein as if this code had not been adopted.
State v Hall, 22 Md. 335. Langley's lessee v. Jones, 26 Md. 472. State v.
Logan 33 Md 7.
Ibid. sec. 8.
2. If any crime, misdemeanor or other violation of law hath
been committed, and no prosecution or other proceeding hath
been commenced against the offender before the adoption of this
code, then such offender may be proceeded against by indict-
ment or otherwise, and punished in the same manner as if this
code had not been adopted.