125. The board of managers shall provide a suitable building in
the city or county of Baltimore, and establish such regulations re-
specting the religious and moral education, training, employment,
discipline, and safekeeping of its inhabitants, as may be deemed
expedient and proper.
Id s 12
1830, c. 64, 8 5
Managers to
provide build-
126. The ground and the building which may be erected thereon
for said House of Refuge shall be free of tax.
Id s. 13
1830, c 64, s 11
Free of tax.
127. No public streets, lanes, alleys, roads, railroads or canals of
any kind, shall be opened through the lands, or any part of the lands
of the House of Refuge, where the same are exclusively Used or ap-
propriated for the purpose of its incorporation, except with the con-
sent of the board of managers.
Id s 14
1853, c 32
Streets not to be
opened through
128. The board of managers shall have power in their discre-
tion, to take into said house all such white male children as shall be
taken up and committed as street beggars or vagrants, or shall be
convicted of criminal offences, or as hereinafter provided for in the
case of application of parents or guadians.
1872, c 218
Whom the man-
agers may
129. They shall have power to place the children committed to
their care, during the minority of such children, at such employ-
ments, and cause them to be instructed in such branches of useful
knowledge, as may be suited to their years and capacities.
Art 78, s 16.
1849, c 374, s 1.
and instruction
of children
130. The managers of the House of Refuge shall have power to
bind out the white male children committed to their care, with the
consent of such children, as apprentices during their minority, that
is to say, until the age of twenty-one years, to such persons and
places, whether in or out of this State, and to learn such proper
trades or employment as in the judgment of the said managers will
be most conducive to the reformation and the future benefit and ad-
vantage of such children, and the indentures by which said chil-
dren shall be bound, shall contain the covenants, and shall be re-
corded as prescribed by Article LIV of this Code relating to Appren-
tices, and all the provisions of the said article in relation to white
apppentices, shall apply to apprentices bound under this section.
1872, c 218
To bind them
out as appren-
tices, and how
131. The manner of receiving inmates into the House of Refuge
shall be in either of the following modes, namely: First, white male
minors may be committed by a justice of the peace for any of the
counties or city of Baltimore, on complaint and due proof made to
him by the parent, guardian or next friend of such minor, that by
reason of incorrigible or vicious conduct, such minor has rendered
his control beyond the power of such parent, guardian or next
friend, and made it manifestly requisite that from regard for the
morals and future welfare of such minor, and the peace and order of
society, he should be placed under the guardianship of the House of
1872, c 218
Who may be
committed to
House of
and now.
31 Md 329.
First clans.
Refuge. Second, white male minors may be committed by the author-
ity aforesaid, when complaint and due proof have been made that
such minor is a proper subject for the guardianship of the House of
Refuge, in consequence of vagrancy or of incorrigible or vicious
conduct, and that from the moral depravity or otherwise of the
Second class