Art 30, s 135
1805, c 82, s 1.
Mixing corn
meal or other
flour with
wheat flour.
193. If any person shall mix, or cause to be mixed, any corn
meal or other flour with wheat flour, for the purpose of selling or
otherwise disposing of the same as wheat flour, or shall send the
same out of the State for the purpose, or with the intent, of selling
or otherwise disposing of it, he, on conviction thereof, shall forfeit
and pay for each and every such offence, a sum not less than two
hundred dollars, nor more than one thousand dollars, one-half to the
informer and the other half to the State. And in case suc-h offender
shall be unable to pay the same, he shall suffer not less than three
nor more than twelve months' imprisonment, in the discretion of
the court.
Id s 186
1805, c 82, s 2.
Magistrate to
194. It shall be the duty of every magistrate before whom any
information may be lodged, and proof made, of any violation of the
preceding section, to issue his warrant to any constable of the county
in which the same shall be committed, commanding him to bring
such offender before him, or any other justice of the peace for said
Amount of
On refusal, to
county, who shall recognize him in the sum of two thousand dollars,
with good and sufficient security — or in case of neglect or refusal,
then to commit such offender to prison, to take his trial at the next
court having competent jurisdiction.
Id s 105
1713, c 2, s 8 ,
1790. c 51, s 11
Taking and
opening letters
195. If any person whatsoever shall presume to take and break
open any letter whatsoever, not being unto him directed, or not
having special license from the person to whom the same is directed,
his executors or administrators, so to do, he shall, upon conviction
thereof, suffer imprisonment for six days and be fined fifteen dollars,
one-half to the State and the other half to the informer.
Id s 106
1713, c 2,8.9,
1790, c 51, s 11
Breaking seal
of letters, etc
196. If any person shall wilfully break the seal of any letter or
package belonging to the public, he shall, on conviction thereof, be
fined two hundred dollars, one-halt to the informer and the other
half to the State.
1867, c 24
No tolls from
funeral car-
197. No turnpike, bridge, or ferry company, and no proprietors
of any turnpike or other road, bridge or ferry, shall hereafter collect
any tolls upon any carriages or other vehicles, or horses, going to
or returning from any funeral. Every toll-gatherer, who shall know-
ingly collect any tolls, contrary to the above provisions, or who
shall knowingly refuse to allow any horse or vehicle going to or
returning from a funeral, to pass without payment of toll, shall for-
Penalty against
feit and pay for every such offence, a sum of not less than fifty dol-
lars, and not more than one hundred dollars, one-half to the infor-
mer and the other half to the State; and the company or other
parties owning such road, bridge, or ferry, shall also be responsible
for the same