SEC 68. The legislature at its first session after the ratification of this Con-
stitution shall provide by law for State and municipal luxation upon the reve-
nues accruing from business done in the State by all foreign corporations.
corporations to
be taxed
SEC. 69. The office of State Pension Commissioner is hereby abolished, and
the legislature shall pass no law creating such office, or establishing any general
pension system, within this State.
Pension system
1870, c 477.
1 General Assembly may propose amend-
ments, to be passed by three-firths of
each house, publication in newspapers,
submission to voters, returns to gover-
nor, proclamation by governor, each
amendment to be voted on separately
2 Convention every twenty years, number
of delegates, submission to voters.
SECTION 1 The General Assembly may propose amendments to this Consti-
tution; provided, that each Amendment shall be embraced in a separate bill,
embodying the article or section, as the same will stand when emended and
passed by throe-fifths of all the members elected to each of the two houses, by
yeas and nays, to be entered on the journals with the proposed amendment
General Assem-
bly may propose
amendments, to
be passed by
three-fifths of
each house.
The bill or bills, proposing amendment or amendments, shall be published by
order of the governor, in at least two newspapers in each county, where so
many may be published, mid where not more than one may bo published, then
in that newspaper, and in three newspapers published in the city of Baltimore,
one of which shall be in the German language, once a week, for at least three
months preceding the next ensuing general election, at which the said pro-
Publication in
posed amendment, or amendments, shall be submitted, in a form to be prescribed
by the General Assembly, to the qualified voters of the State for adoption or
rejection The votes cast for and against stud proposed amendment or amend-
Submission to
ments, severally, shall be returned to the governor, in the manner prescribed
in other cases, and if it shall appear to the governor that a majority of the
votes cost at said election on said amendment or amendments, severally, were
Returns to
cast in favor thereof, the governor shall, by his proclamation, declare the said
amendment or amendments, having received said majority of votes, to have
been adopted by the people of Maryland as part of the Constitution thereof,
Proclamation of
and thenceforth said amendment or amendments, shall be part of the said Con-
stitution "When two or more amendments shall be submitted, in manner
aforesaid, to the voters of this State at the same election, they shall be so sub-
mitted, as that each amendment shall be voted on separately
Each amend-
ment to be
voted on sepa-
SEC 2. It shall be the duty of the General Assembly to provide by law for
taking, at the general election to bo held in the year eighteen hundred and
eighty-seven, and every twenty years thereafter, the sense of the people in
regard to calling a convention for altering this Constitution; and if a majority
of voters at such election or elections shall vote for a convention, the General
Assembly, at its next session, shall provide by law fur the assembling of such
convention, and for the election of delegates thereto Each county and legis-
lative district of the city of Baltimore, shall have in such convention a number
every 20 years.
1858, c 235
of delegates equal to its representation in both houses at the time at which the
convention is called But any constitution, or change, or amendment of the
Number of
existing Constitution, which may be adopted by such convention, shall be sub-
mitted to the voters of this State, and shall have no effect unless the same shall
have been adopted by a majority of the voters voting thereon.
Submission to