names of jurors have been deposited to be emptied of any. and all
the ballots therein remaining.
Art 50, s 1
1797, c 87, s 5
Of what age to
33 Md 307,
9 G & J 197,
1 H. & McH 10
Id s 2
1832j c 170
No judge of
Orphans' Court
Id s 3
1715, c 37, s 4,
1797, c 87, s 7,
1858, c 139
Who exempt.
33 Md 307.
Id s 6
1715, c 37, s 9,
1778, c 21, ss 2, 3
No person to be
selected having
matter for trial
8. No person shall be selected or placed on the list or panel as a
juror who may not have arrived at the age of twenty-five years.
9. No judge of the Orphans' Court shall be selected to serve as a
juror in any case whatever.
10. All persons over seventy years of age, and all delegates,
coroners, schoolmasters, and constables, during their continuance in
office, shall be exempt from serving as jurors.
11. No person shall be selected as a juror in any court where it
is known that such person hath any matter of fact depending for
trial at the same court, and no person having such matter of fact
depending for trial shall be admitted as a qualified juror between
party and party during the sitting of the court in which such matter
of fact shall be or expected to be tried; and such disqualification
Good cause of
shall be allowed as a good cause of challenge of any juror, but no
verdict of a jury shall therefor be set aside, or judgment thereon
stayed, arrested, or reversed.
Art 50, s 9
1797, c 87, s 9.
How struck in
civil oases.
6 G & J 447,
8 Gill 90
12. In all civil cases called for trial in any court in which a jury
shall be necessary according to the Constitution and laws of this
State, twenty persons from the panel of petit jurors shall be drawn
by ballot by the clerk under the direction of the court, and the names
of the twenty persons shall be written upon two lists, and one of
said lists forthwith delivered to the respective parties or their coun-
sel in the cause, and the said parties or their counsel may each
strike out four persons from the said lists, and the remaining twelve
persons shall thereupon be immediately impanelled and sworn as
the petit jury in such cause.
Art 50, s 10
1797, c 87, s 9
Where parties
refuse to strike
out from list
13. If the said parties or their counsel, or either of them, shall
neglect or refuse to strike out from the said lists the number of per-
sons directed in the preceding section, the court may direct the
clerk to strike out from the list of the party so neglecting or refus-
ing the number in said section directed, and "the remaining twelve
persons shall be impanelled and sworn as aforesaid; but this and
the preceding section shall not take away the right of any person to
challenge the array or polls of any panel returned in the manner
allowed by the laws of this State, or in any manner to change the law
in relation to petitions for freedom.
Art 50, s. 12.
1798, c. 94
Where parties
14. If the parties or their counsel agree, the drawing of a panel
of twenty jurors in any cause may be dispensed with.