Court of Baltimore, and the Circuit Court of Baltimore City, shall be proceeded
in and prosecuted to final judgment, or' decree, in the courts, respectively, of
the same name, established by this Constitution, except cases belonging to
that class, jurisdiction over which is, by this Constitution, transferred to the
Baltimore City Court, all of which shall, together with all cases now pend-
ing in the City Court of Baltimore, be proceeded in and prosecuted to final
judgment in said Baltimore City Court
SEC 37 There shall be a clerk of each of the said courts of Baltimore city,
except the Supreme Bench, who shall be elected by the legal and qualified
voters of snid city, at the election to be held in said city on the Tuesday next
after the first Monday of November, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-
Clerks to be
elected by the
seven, and shall hold his office for six years from the time of his election, and
until his successor is elected and qualified, and bo re-eligible thereto, subject to
be removed for wilful neglect of duty, or other misdemeanor in office, on con-
Term, six years.
viction in a court of law. The salary of each of the said clerks shall be thirty-
five hundred dollars a year, payable only out of the fees and receipts collected
Salaries, 83500.
by the clerks of said city, and they shall be entitled to no other perquisites, or
compensation In case of a vacancy in the office of clerk of any of said courts,
Perquisites not
the judges of said Supreme Bench of Baltimore City shall have power to fill
such vacancy until the general election of delegates to the General Assembly,
to be hold next thereafter, -when a clerk of said court shall be elected to serve
for six years thereafter, and the provisions of this articln in relation to the ap-
pointment of deputies by the clerks of the Circuit Courts in the counties shall
apply to the clerks of the courts in Baltimore city
SEC 38. The clerk of the Court of Common Pleas shall have authority to
issue within said city, all marriage and other licenses required by law, subject
to such provisions as are now, or may be prescribed by law. The clerk of the
Superior Court of stud city shall receive and record all deeds, conveyances, and
other papers, which are, or may be required by law, to be recorded in said city
He shall also have custody of all papers connected with the proceedings on the
law, or equuy side of Baltimore County Court, and of the dockets thereof, so
far as the same have relation to the city of Baltimore, and shall also discharge
the duties of clerk to the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City, unless otherwise
provided by law.
Authority of
clerks of Com-
mon Pleas and
Superior Court.
SEC. 39 The General Assembly shall, whenever it may think the same proper
and expedient, provide, by law, another court for the city of Baltimore, and
prescribe its jurisdiction and powers; in which case there shall be elected by
the voters of said city, qualified under this Constitution, another judge of the
Supreme Bench of Baltimore City, who shall be subject to the same constitu-
tional provisions, hold bis office for the same term of years, receive the same
compensation, and have the same powers, as are herein provided for the judges
of said Supreme Bench of Baltimore City; and all of the provisions of this
Constitution relating to the assignment of judges to the courts, now existing in
said city, and for the dispatch of business therein, shall apply to the court, for
whose creation provision is made by this section. And the General Assembly
18S3, c 122, 391,
1867,c 401.
Another court
in Baltimore
may reapportion, change, or enlarge the jurisdiction of the several courts in
Baltimore city. Until otherwise provided by law, the clprk of the Superior
Court of Baltimore City, of the Court of Common Fleas, of the Circuit Court
of Baltimore City, of the Baltimore City Court, and of the Criminal Court of
ment of juris-
diction of Balti-
more courts
Baltimore, shall each give bond in such penalty as is now prescribed, by law,
to be given by the clerks of the courts, bearing the same names, under the
present Constitution.
SECTIONS 40 and 41 are under Article L, of this code, Settlement of De-
cedents' Estates.
Clerks' bonds