and exposing for sale, cattle, sheep, and hogs, shall be located either
within the city of Baltimore, or within a distance of not more than
six miles from the limits thereof; and provided further, that all such
cattle, sheep, and hogs, shall be weighed by or under the super-
vision of the State weighmaster, as now provided for by law; such
weighing to be done at the yards and scales of such company.
18. Class 5. For the formation of homestead or building asso-
ciations, or associations for the loan of money on real or personal
property, and for the incorporation of associations of Odd Fellows,
Free and Accepted Masons, Sons of Temperance, Good Templars,
State weigh-
21 Md 482,
32 Md 295,
37 Md 320
1868, c 471, s IS.
Homestead, or
building associ-
ations, etc
Odd Fellows,
or other kindred associations; provided, that the property owned
or acquired by such corporation is located in this State, and for
forming, laying out, and maintaining cemeteries in this State.
1 9. Class 6 For carrying on in this State any kind of manufac-
turing, shipbuilding, mechanical, industrial, or chemical business,
and for the sale, transportation, or other disposition of the products
Id s 19
mechanical, etc
34 Md 316,
36 Md 476
20. Class 7. For conducting any kind of mining business in this
State, and for selling or otherwise disposing of the products of said
business where the principal office of said corporation is located in
this State.
Id s 20
34 Md 503
21. Class 8. For washing, dressing, smelting, and otherwise
preparing for and bringing to market and selling the ores of all
Id s 21
Ores of metals
kinds of metals; provided, said corporations carry on their general
operations in this State, and have their principal office therein.
22. Class 9. For opening and working quarries of marble, slate,
or other economic minerals or mineral substances in this State, and
for the manufacturing thereof in this State, and for the transporta-
tion or exportation and sale thereof.
Id s 22
Marble, slate,
etc, quarries
23. Glass 10. For boring for, opening, using, or refining petro-
leum, salt, or other mineral springs in this State, and for boring for,
opening, using, or refining in this State, other oils, where the princi-
pal office of said corporation is located in this State
Id s 23
Boring for, etc,
petroleum, salt,
24. Class 11. For constructing, owning, or operating telegraph
lines in this State, where the principal office of said corporation is
located in this State.
Id s 24
Telegraph lines
25- Class 12. For navigating the ocean by steam, sail, or other
ships or vessels, and transportation of goods and passengers therein,
where the principal port of entry and departure thereof is in the
United States, and the principal business office of said corporation
is located in this State.
Id s 25
Ocean steam,
sail, or other
ships, etc
26. Class 13 For navigating the waters of this and adjoining
States by steam, sail, or other boats or vessels, and for the trans-
portation of goods and passengers therein, where the principal office
of said corporation is located in this State.
Id s 26
Inland steam,
etc, ships, etc
27. Class 14. For carrying on any forwarding or warehousing
business in this State, and for the construction, owning, chartering,
or leasing of steamboats, wharves, docks, roads, vehicles, or other
Id s 27
Forwarding or
business, etc
wharves, etc